Can my spouse receive a salary or dividend in my corporation ?

The ability of your spouse to receive a salary or dividends from your corporation depends on various factors, including the legal and tax regulations in your jurisdiction, the structure of your business, and the roles and responsibilities of your spouse within the company.

Here are some general considerations:

Legal Structure:

If your business is a sole proprietorship or a partnership, your spouse may have a more straightforward path to receiving compensation.

In a corporation, the rules and regulations regarding payments to shareholders, including spouses, may vary. 

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your spouse must have a legitimate role and responsibilities within the company. The payment should be commensurate with the work performed and should be justifiable from a business perspective.

Tax Implications:

The tax treatment of salaries and dividends can differ significantly. Salaries are subject to payroll taxes and personal income taxes, while dividends are taxed at different rates and may have different implications for both the corporation and the recipient.

Consult with a tax professional to understand the tax implications of paying your spouse through salary or dividends.

Shareholder Agreements:

Review any shareholder agreements or bylaws that govern the distribution of profits, dividends, or salaries. Some agreements may have specific provisions or restrictions on payments to shareholders, including family members.

Fair Market Value:

Payments to your spouse, whether in the form of salary or dividends, should be based on fair market value. This means that the compensation should reflect what an unrelated third party would receive for similar services.


Keep thorough documentation of the work performed by your spouse, as well as any agreements or resolutions related to their compensation. This documentation can be crucial in demonstrating the legitimacy of the payments in case of an audit.

It’s important to note that engaging with a professional accountant or tax advisor familiar with the specific regulations in your jurisdiction is highly recommended. They can provide personalized advice based on your business structure, local laws, and other relevant factors.

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